Laughing makes a lass attractive.
No joke, it’s science!

This post is for gals who want to know how to be more attractive… and it’s for guys who like to make women laugh. Everybody in?
Here’s a funny test:
Three couples walk into a bar. Couple #1 talks seriously, their eyes locked on each other in earnest dialogue. Couple #2 enjoys back-and-forth witty repartee, man and woman chuckling in equal measure. As for Couple #3, neither one says anything actually funny, but the woman erupts into peals of melodious laughter.
Which couple do you think is experiencing the most sexual attraction?
Congratulations, and a big A+, if you guessed Couple #3.
Ladies, laughter makes you sexy.
Women readers, this post should give you permission to laugh more. Let it out, girl! Maybe you already knew that laughter’s good for you—releasing healthy hormones and boosting your immune system—but did you know that it also makes you more attractive? This is what the scientific research shows.
If you want to be sexy, then be an easy laugh. (Seriously.) It will also behoove you to laugh in a sing-song manner, rather than, say, snorting, wheezing or cackling. And don’t wait for your guy to crack a joke!
Scientists take laughter seriously.
Folks, I’m not making this up. Over the last decades, scientists have learned a lot about laughter, including some surprising gender differences.
Neurobiologist Robert R. Provine and his intrepid assistants set out to study humans in their natural habitat—on city sidewalks, in shopping malls, at the student union. Eavesdropping in the name of science, they documented 1200 laugh episodes. They wrote down which remarks sparked laughter. They noted how much each person laughed. They discovered some funny things:
- Laughter’s rarely about humor. In 80% to 90% of cases, it follows phrases not even remotely funny, such as, “I’ll see you guys later,” or, “It was nice meeting you too.”
- Speakers laugh far more than listeners. This is true when men talk to men, when women talk to women, and especially true when ladies are speaking to gentlemen. Women laugh a whopping 126% more than the men they’re addressing. But there is one exception to the speaker-listener rule…
- Men laugh less. When a man talks to a woman, he laughs 8% less than his female listener.
We don’t fully understand this gender difference.
Scientists have various theories about this imbalance, but no definitive explanation. So can we agree to enjoy the mystery? Guys, you get the pleasure of making us laugh, thank you very much. Gals, we get the last laugh because our laughter holds power.
The predictive power of female laughter:
German psychologists did a study of men and women meeting for the first time. Researchers measured each individual’s laughter, and later asked how much sexual attraction she or he had experienced. It turns out that a woman’s laughter reliably predicts not only how attracted she feels, but also how attracted he feels, too! The man’s laughter does not mean much either way. Only her laughter signals the level of mutual attraction.
The sexiness of a lady’s melodic laughter:
Other studies indicate that her laughter makes her more enticing to him. Moreover, laughing boosts a woman’s sexiness but not a man’s, or at least not by much. We’ve got the power, Baby!
However ladies, before you begin guffawing like mad to attract a mate, know that it won’t increase your allure one bit if you grunt, snort, pant or otherwise engage in so-called unvoiced laughter. A study done at Vanderbilt University found that what drives men wild is a woman’s singsong laugh, that which travels the musical scale.
Now, that’s something to sing about!
While everyone says they prefer a mate with “a sense of humor,” what this really means is that women want to laugh, and men want to make them laugh (melodically, of course).
This hold true for people who are dating, but also for you long-term couples out on “date night” or just flirting around the house (which I’m hoping you do a lot of, right?).
What’s your favorite way to initiate giggles? Please share your thoughts or Top Laughter Secrets below. And if you’ve enjoyed this post, please click Like. Thank you!